Welcome the Stranger 2020 image

Practical resource on welcoming refugees

Welcome the Stranger: A Canadian Church Guide to Welcoming Refugees is a free downloadable booklet that helps private sponsors welcome and settle individuals and families into a new life in Canada.

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Church and mission - families and church building image

Training to welcome newcomers

Check out this new video-based resource on biblical hospitality for church leaders and networking opportunities for ministries and congregations serving newcomers to Canada

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Parenting Faith Research Study image

Parenting Faith Research Study

Downloads are now available from this collaborative study on how evangelical parents understand their roles as disciple makers of their children. What helps or hinders? How best can churches and ministries support them?

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Sanctity of life - Stop sign image

Reverse euthanasia expansion

Canada's laws on assisted dying are expanding to include mental illness (in 2027) and possibly youth and by advance request. Our kit can help you take action.

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Religious freedom - Civic engagement image

Get our revised Civic Engagement Kit

Contribute to our nation's future using our revised pdf download (March 2022) on:
• Why get involved with social issues? And how?
• Tips on contacting your MP
• How a bill becomes law, and what you can do

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Uniting Evangelicals to bless Canada in the name of Jesus

Ignite Prayer Canada: A vision for nationwide local houses of prayer

The partnership Ignite Prayer Canada shared a compelling vision during its online launch gathering Sept. 19, 2024.

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On the Faith Today website

"Lives well told: Julie Lane-Gay on the surprising blessing of writing obituaries." Posted Jan. 1. Aussi en français.

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How Canadians are harmed by illegal sexually explicit material online

Parliament recently studied the harms of accessing illegal sexually explicit material online. The EFC had the privilege to contribute to this...

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Submission on online age assurance to Privacy Commissioner of Canada

The EFC’s brief discusses the need to protect youth online, international precedent for age assurance and how it works with other positive practices.

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EFC Ottawa media studio invites rentals

The EFC has developed studio spaces in Ottawa and Toronto where affiliates can record video and audio for affordable rates.

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Advocating internationally on prostitution

Why does the EFC advocate internationally on the issue of prostitution? Here's a short explanation with helpful information, prayer points and...

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Our latest, en français

Find translations from Faith Today, Canada Watch and more at

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Bill C-270 would require verified age and consent in pornography

Bill C-270 would require those making or distributing pornographic material for a commercial purpose to verify the age and consent of each person...

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Letter to the minister of finance on religious charities

Calling for preservation of "advancement of religion" as a charitable purpose, rejecting a recent Finance Committee recommendation to...

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Forgiveness and justice

Should Christians extend forgiveness even in cases of traumatic or violent sin or unrepentance? EFC President David Guretzki reflects.

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A relational religion

We get to offer the practical gift of friendship and presence to people who feel hopeless or despairing, a tangible sign of God’s love.

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It’s time to protect kids online

Topic: Pornography

When should kids have a smartphone? How should what they see online be monitored or restricted? What about easy access to pornography?

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Religious freedom of Christian hospitals

EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce Clemenger discusses modelling Christian ethics in the public square.

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Standing Together Against Hate Based on Religious Identity

The Canadian Interfaith Conversation issued a statement by 60 faith traditions and institutions, including the EFC and many affiliates.

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Latest Videos


Faith Matters Series

In this new six-session video series filmed in Ottawa, leaders from the EFC explore how Christians can act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God as we love our neighbours and fellow citizens. Helpful and inspiring for individual viewing and group settings. See for a free discussion guide and more.

EFC Podcasts


"It's a Different Thing to be Attacked by a Brother" - 3 Years of War in Ukraine

Ivan Rusyn is President of Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary. He survived the initial siege of Kyiv in February 2022, helped many escape across the infamous Romaniv Bridge at Irpin, and continues to serve and strengthen Ukrainian leaders and churches for life and witness in the midst of the ongoing and wearying war. Ivan will share about his own experience, the hope in the midst of ongoing challenge, and why Ukrainian Christians need the global church family still and in the future.

The Global Need for Reconciling Leaders: Addressing a Gap in Christian Leadership Today

Dr. Michael Ortiz is executive director of the International Council for Theological Education (ICETE). He joins PRN global director Phil Wagler on this podcast to explore the desperate need for leaders of the Church around the world to become reconciling leaders who lead Christian communities into today's challenges.


How are churches being planted in Canada today?

Planting churches isn't a paint-by-numbers proposition. There are new and creative ways local churches are being planted in Canada. James Watson, research fellow with the Canadian Institute for Empirical Church Research talks with us about what he's learned.

Journalism serving the Church: Reflecting on the past 12 years at Faith Today

Karen Stiller and Bill Fledderus have worked together editing print copies of Faith Today magazine since 2013. They recorded this episode just before Stiller left Faith Today to move more fully into a creative writing and coaching career.

What Our Affiliates Have to Say

Christian Reformed Church in North America
Darren Roorda, former Canadian Ministries Director

"Affiliation with the EFC is an important part of our ministry posture in the Christian Reformed Church. It demonstrates to the local churches of our faith stream that the cause of Christ is a mission we share together with other traditions nearby to us. It is also a demonstration to the world of the uniting power of God's love for those who are called to express that love in places ranging from church basements to the towers of Parliament." (

Crandall University
Dr. Bruce Fawcett, President & Vice Chancellor

"We have deeply appreciated the benefits of our affiliation with the EFC. We have enjoyed EFC resource staff who have spoken to faculty, staff and students on our campus, and have served as advisors via email and phone on other occasions. I have personally enjoyed the connections made with other ministry leaders through the EFC's annual Presidents' Day gatherings. I also deeply appreciate the role that the EFC has had in giving birth to what is now known as Christian Higher Education Canada - an association which has been an excellent source of fellowship and encouragement for our university. The vision and insights provided by the EFC have been a wonderful gift to the Canadian church!" (

Outreach Canada
Craig Kraft, Executive Director

“I am thankful for The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and for their outstanding resources. Many of their booklets and resources on Canadian issues have been well read in our office. The EFC is our own private guardian. They stand up with us and for us when we can not do it by ourselves. We are blessed to have them acting and interceding on our behalf. Their helpful team of experts is always just a phone call or email away.” (

Toronto Christian Community Church
Jonathan Chan, Senior Pastor

"The EFC proves to be an important Kingdom partner. They help us to champion an evangelical engagement relevant to the Canadian context. As our country becomes more and more secular, a vital evangelical voice that is loud and clear is much needed. The theological resource and pastoral guidelines are very helpful, and they always come out in a timely manner." (

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